Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Whine Companion

I miss my whine companion, complaint buddy, my nurse consultant, my health advocate, my advisor and friend. I have been sick since the first of October. I have "spots" on my lungs. I am hoarse; I am fatigued; I really feel like shit and I'm frustrated. I need to bitch. I need to complain. I need to discuss this damnable disease process and all the testing and ridiculous course of treatment that they (the doctors) have me on and just how frigging tried I am of all of it! This isn't new. I've been down this road before; it is a tough road and Cynthia has always been there. She was my advocate, my consultant, My peer with whom I could discuss the medical details with and she would understand. She was my cheer leader, my friend. We would whine to each other for hours. Sometimes on the phone, sometimes for lunch or over an afternoon dirty martini at City Range. We would spend the first half hour on my latest whine and then the second half on hers. After all, share and share a like. We had gotten to the age that aches and pains were creeping into our daily conversations; it had become somewhat of a joke. We laughed often about the change in our conversations. But some days were meant to be whine days, days that you needed your friend to tell you "everything is going to be okay", "I think you need to do this", "That doctor is a dumb ass!", or just plain "hang in there, you're going to feel better, real soon and when you do will go for a dirty martini". Today is one of those days. I miss you Cynthia.

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